Changes in our Newsletter Delivery!

We are going to be printing fewer paper copies of the newsletter and plan on sending it as an attachment to an e-mail via There will be a few hard copies available if needed.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Swim Mondays at the Nuttalls

All Mondays in June 10:30-1:30

 This event is geared for the younger children and their parents. Older kids are invited, but they need to "play" nicely!
  • Parents must stay with their children. No dropoffs please.
  • Parents are responsible for their OWN children. Do not assume that the older kids in the pool will watch your kids.
  • Everyone needs to vigilant about their childrens behavior. The pool is crowded somedays.
  • You are responsible for their actions. Like any pool, roughhousing and running isn't going to be allowed.
  • You are in charge of your kids! The Nuttalls are not responsible for any injuries that may occur.
  • Please bring snacks to share.

 We don't have a complete summer schedule yet, but will let you know soon! Thank you so much Nuttall family for sharing your wonderful swimming pool!

 See you on Monday, June 7th at 10:30 am!

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